Hello, I’m Dina Joy.

I believe the stories we tell ourselves can offer a deeper level of healing…

What’s Your Story?

Listen To This Section…

Storytelling has been a part of us since the beginning of time and long before there were words. We tell a stories to teach lessons, to entertain, for therapeutic purposes, for conveying information, and to make sense of our world and our place in it.

Stories have been powerful therapeutic tools for healing physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically/spiritually in all cultures and parts of our world for centuries, it’s not a new. Stories can make living with a brain injury or chronic condition a bit easier, because it helps us receive and process information better. Stories also make it easier to digest what we need to do to make shifts in our habits and lifestyle that can take us from survivor to thriver.

In the first few years of my traumatic brain injury, I lived in a mental fog every day and processing information was very difficult. Stories were the only thing that helped me make sense of my new world.

When I was finally able to write stories on my own, I found the process helped me to better understand and appreciate this new version of myself. It also made it easier to learn about my condition, and how I could live a life that I could enjoy, despite my new challenges.

We all have a story to tell. We all have an intuitive part of ourselves that knows what we need to heal more deeply. We all have parts of ourselves that have something to say to help us process our experiences. What role do you play in your life? What stories are you listening to? Are they empowering you or sabotaging your healing journey?

The stories I write and record offer entertainment and comfort for your mind and body. All of my stories are music free and I’ve been told that my voice is so soothing and nurturing, I’ve often put people to sleep. As you listen to my stories, you may just figure out how to get unstuck, what you need for deeper healing or how to become more empowered in your own life. Which is why I created them in the first place.


What I Offer…

I believe we’re so much more than our disabilities. I believe we can create the life we deserve… a higher quality of life that meets our unique needs, on our terms. We just need to change the story we tell ourselves.

I didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere anymore. I wasn’t fitting into the mindset of my support group at all. All they seemed to focus on was what was wrong. I was ready to get past that and move forwards. Your community has been more supportive and empowering than any other I’ve been part of. And the fact that you go above and beyond for each of us is a blessing. Thank you


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Welcome To Your Safe Haven


Soothe Your Nervous System


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Cultivate The Life You Deserve

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When you join our community on Facebook you are part of a community that truly supports one another.

Every day you’ll see posts to help you mindfully care for yourself, will help you shift your habits, you mindset and your lifestyle, so you can heal holistically, naturally, and in your own unique way.

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It’s Where You Belong

” Your Community is so positive, uplifting and inspiring. I always get what I need, when I need it.”

– Stacey

Mindful Healing Stories & Guided Meditations

I’ve always loved stories, haven’t you?

They remind me of a simpler time. A time when I was safe, cared for and loved. Stories have a way of helping us make changes to improve our lives that our minds may otherwise be resistant to doing.

Mindful Healing Stories are created to help entertain your conscious mind, while subtly inviting the rest of you to relax deeply, and invite in healing at the deepest level of being. Free from distracting background noises, all trauma sensitive, and focused on healing.

“”Your voice is so soothing and the story so easy to follow. I’m not sure if I slept or if I zoned out, but either way I loved it! I felt like I got a hug from your story. “


Discover Mindful & Intuitive Healing Courses

There comes a time on our healing journey, when we need to broaden our perspective to positively grow, evolve and heal.

Mindful & Intuitive Healing Courses offers you an opportunity to learn how to be aware of, listen to and trust the messages your body for deeper holistic healing and to improve the quality of your life.

Enabling you to befriend yourself now, and to cultivate a quality of life that aligns itself with your unique needs, your unique priorities and honors your unique abilities.

“I highly recommend Dina’s courses to all who are interested in expanding their awareness and finding serenity”



Our Mindful & Intuitive Healing Inner Circle For Women is one of a kind…

and you belong here

Supportive, Understanding & Empowering

Entertaining, Informational & Transformational


About Me

My Story…

I may be just like you. I accomplished a lot before my injury and diagnosis. And since then, I’ve traveled a long a twisted, windy road through the dark forest of my condition. I’ve come across villains and sabotager’s just like you, as well as care givers and healers.

I even chose to take the more alternative path many are afraid to take or shy away from. And yet I’ve made it to the other side in better shape than I started.

Now I’m read writing a new story. Now I’m ready to live a higher quality life on my terms. And I invite you to join me, if you’re ready…