Mindful Healing Stories & Guided Meditations…

What is your personal story?

A Good Story Can

Transform Your Life

"Stories are medicine. They have such power; They do not require that we do, be, act, anything- we only need to listen" 
-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Why Mindful Healing Stories?

We all have stories. Stories we tell our friends and family. Stories we tell to entertain, and stories we tell ourselves….


Stories have been part of our human existence long before there were words. It’s how we’ve taught lessons, made sense of our world, and our place in it.

Stories offer guidance, impart moral values, and encourage self-reflection as well as address issues of identity, conflict resolution, and personal growth in a way that builds familiarity, personal connection and trust.

For centuries, various indigenous cultures around the world have recognized the power of stories to promote emotional healing, resilience, adaptation and spiritual growth.

But storytelling is not limited to specific cultures or time periods. It is a universal human practice that transcends cultural boundaries. Even today scientists recognize storytelling as a powerful tool for fostering healing physically, mentally and emotionally. For navigating life’s challenges and has a direct effect on personal growth and transformation.

Stories have always been important to me…

When I was younger, no matter what I was going through at the time, I could escape into the world of a story. Often connecting with that one character who was experiencing similar problems and I often learned how to manage it better through that character. How many Judy Blume books did you read growing up?

When I went to college, I got a degree in education specializing in early childhood education- which meant that anything I taught to my young students, from math and science, to reading and social studies was going to be best understood as an entertaining story.

And as a mother, story time was our time of deep connection. A time to snuggle in together, laugh and travel to an imaginary world.

A good story engages your senses so that you can practically step into the scene and see, smell, hear and feel what the narrative is describing. But stories do more than appeal to our physical senses. They connect us to our emotions, drawing our attention more easily, helping us to focus and often leaves an impression on us as an audience.

After the event that led to my diagnosis, and changed how I live my life, it felt like part of me died that day. I didn’t know how to relate to this new version of myself. I didn’t know how to function in a world that was endlessly overwhelming and painful. That event changed how I moved, how I communicated, how I thought, and how I related to myself. And there were days I just lay in bed with the curtains closed like a vegetable because there was nothing else I could manage.

Then, one day while I was laying there, a story slowly began filtering through the fog of my mind. It was one of the stories I read to my daughter repeatedly when she was little. A story about a women and a mustard seed. You see the woman had a baby. But her baby died. And everywhere she went she carried her baby and cried endlessly with grief and sorrow asking if anyone knew how he could be brought back to life. She wants days without eating, sleeping or even bathing. All she could do was carry her dead baby and cry.

As days went by, the villagers had soon heard of a wise holy man that was coming to their village. On the day that he arrived, almost everyone in the village came to sit under the cool trees and listen to him teach. Fortunately, one of the women in the village felt sorry for this grieving mother, and asked if she would join her to listen to this wise teacher. For he would know the medicine to help this poor mother. Everyone was now seated and sitting quietly awaiting the wise teacher to speak and impart great wisdom to them. But before he could even begin, the grieving mother yelled from the back, “Teacher! Wise and holy teacher! I am desperate and need your help! Please, my son needs your medicine!”

The teacher looked carefully at her and the bundle in her arms. Then waved her forwards so he could talk with her more easily. The crowd made way for them to pass, and the teacher told her that she was wise for bringing her son here for the medicine they needed. After comforting her, he told her that before he could save her child, she needed to do something for him first. And she eagerly agreed, “Anything”, she said. Then he told her that she needed to return to the village from which she just came and bring back a single mustard seed. But not just any mustard seed. It had to be from a family that has no death and no tragedy. The mother was so relieved. She said, “ I won’t let you down. I’ll be back soon!”. And she quickly made her way out of the forest of trees and headed back to her village. When she got there, she went to the first house she saw, and knocked on the door.

When the door opened a young woman answered, so the mother asked if she had a mustard seed. Then said she did, and went to fetch it. When she came back, the mother remembered that it had to be from a home with no death and no tragedy. So she asked if there had been any deaths in that family or any tragedies. “Oh yes.” Said the woman. “ Just a few months ago my mother died and our whole family has been struggling since. I’ve had to quit school so I could look after my siblings”.
“Oh,” said the mother, “ I cannot take the seed. I’m so sorry for your loss.” And with that she left and headed to the next home. Every door she went to she discovered that every house has had a death, and every home has had a tragedy.

After days of seeking out a mustard seed from a house with no death and no tragedy to get the special medicine for her son, she soon became exhausted and rested against a tree. As the evening moon made it’s way into the sky, and the lights of the homes soon lit the village, she looked up at the moon. She felt her cold child in her arms, and she looked down at him.

Not a single household she visited was untouched by death or tragedy. Many had suffered just as she did now, and she was not alone. As if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, she set her son down for the first time. Her grief was lighter somehow. With tears streaming down her face, she wrapped up her son and laid him to rest for a final farewell.

The next day she went to see the wise and holy teacher. “Did you bring me a mustard seed?”, he asked. “ No teacher. I am done looking for mustard seeds. There is not one person who can escape death or tragedy of some kind. I’ve learned that nothing is for certain and nothing is permanent.”
Then he asked, “ Where is your child?”
“I have laid him to rest and offered him the peace he deserves. I now know that many others have lost their own family members and we must help one another as you have helped me.”

From that day forwards the mother became one of the wisest and most compassionate woman in the village. A person that others soon sought out for her guidance and wisdom.

Wasn’t that a great story?

Stories have been powerful therapeutic tools for healing on all the levels of existence, physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual.

And over the years, my clients have told me that my voice was soothing, comforting and nurturing to them. That they often feel asleep during one of my guided meditations or stories… But somehow, a few days later, what was a problem for them before listening to the recording I created for them, was no longer was the same problem anymore. They felt like something shifted, unlocked or left that changed everything for the better for them.

Mindful Healing Stories & Guided Meditations is my only focus. It’s how I believe I can help women, just like me, make profound shifts in their mindset, their behaviors and their habits for a higher quality of life, despite their condition.

I believe it’s much easier to create real, sustainable changes that can transform the quality of our lives, by listening to a relatable story, than to force facts and information into our brains for change.

Stories speak to us on a level that just can’t be reached directly, which can be very stressful. And cultivating balance and healing is much easier when we are relaxed.

It brings us to a place where we can escape, retreat and rest. A safe haven where anything is possible and freedom abounds.

My mission is to create mindful healing stories and guided meditations that unlocks exactly what you need for positive, sustainable healing. Because you are more than your diagnosis or ability. And you deserve a higher quality of life of your creation.

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